ADR® Roses


Palmengarten Frankfurt  

Variety name: KORsilan

Medium-sized, double, cupped flowers in a strong pink colour, flowering in clusters at the tips of the stems. Very robust shrub with abundant growth, partly upright, partly with arching, overhanging branches. Fresh green, glossy foliage. Flowering with in enormous freedom from May to autumn.

dark pink
50-70 cm
Group:  Polyantha , Shrub for ground cover
Year of introduction: 1988
Winner: W. Kordes' Söhne
Flowering-period:  June-October
Flowering frequency:  blooms in flushes throughout the season
Flowering intensity:  abundant
Flowers per stem: in clusters
Flowershape:  medium-sized , double , cupped
Width in cm:  70 to 80
Roses per m²: 2 to 4
Growth:  arching , upright , flat, creeping , robust
Foliage:  glossy , green
Use:  as ground cover
ADR: 1992
Rewards:  ADR-predicate