New Dawn

Still one of the best modern perpetual-flowering climbers. The medium-sized, double, Hybrid Tea shaped, soft pink flowers are freely borne single or in clusters. Fresh fruity fragrance. Hardy, vigorous, spreading and arching growth. Perfectly suited for all purposes. Robust climber that tolerates semi-shadow and is suitable for climbing against north-facing walls.

soft pink
300-400 cm
Group:  Climbing Rose , Hybrid Tea Climber
Year of introduction: 1930
Winner: Sommerset Nursery
Flowering-period:  June-October
Flowering frequency:  blooms in flushes throughout the season
Flowering intensity:  abundant
Flowershape:  medium-sized , double , classic Hybrid Tea
Fragrance:  fragrant ,
Growth:  wide , with long branches , robust , hardy
Use:  as climber , tolerates semi-shaded conditions