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Thomas à Becket (Standard Rose 90-100cm)  

Variety name: Auswinston

The large, very double, rosette-shaped, crimson-red flowers spread a lovely, old rose scent. Strong, bushy growth, very hardy. Striking, abundantly flowering English Shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very suitable for hedges and borders.

purple red
120-150 cm
Group:  Davis Austin Rose / English Rose
Year of introduction: 2013
Winner: David Austin
Flowering-period:  July-October
Flowering frequency:  blooms in flushes throughout the season
Flowering intensity:  abundant
Flowershape:  large , very double , rosette shape
Fragrance:  pleasant , old rose fragrance ,
Growth:  vigorous , bushy , hardy
Use:  garden rose , Scent rose , as standard
Hardiness: resistant to frost