Hybrid Rugosa Roses

 The Hybrid Rugosa Roses descend from the wild rose Rugosa. These robust, repeat-flowering, easy to care roses with their extreme healthy foliage are particularly suitable for planting large open spaces, embankments and also for hedges.


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Dagmar Hastrup

Large, single, open, cup-shaped flowers of pastel-pink with a slightly scent. Hardy, thorny shrub with upright, spreading and bushy growth. Lots of yellow-red hips in autumn. Ideal for large hedges.



Clusters of large, loosely double, strongly scented, violet-red flowers that fade with purple. Flowering from summer till autumn. Vigorous, hardy and upright shrub with large, red hips in autumn.


Moje Hammarberg

Vigorous, upright, spreading and bushy growth with large red hips in autumn, very hardy. Violet-red colouring. Medium-sized, semi-double flowers with a strong fragrance. Repeats its abundant flowering from June to autumn.



The large, open, semi-double, white flowers have an overwhelming fragrance. Vigorous, spreading growth. An attractive white modern shrub rose. Ideal for hedging.
