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Very fragrant flowers which appear in small clusters. The shapely buds open to large, double blooms of coppery-pink to salmon-pink colouring. Hardy, very vigorous, spreading and thorny growth. Long-flowering in mid-summer. Impressing rambler, which can be grown up into trees.


Alissar Princess of Phoenicia

Single to semi-double, Hibiscus like, striking soft pink flowers with a red eye in the center and a mild fragrance. Spreading, bushy growth, robust foliage. Very free- and continuously flowering Floribunda in striking colours!


American Pillar

A robust and vigorously rambler with single, medium-sized, cupped flowers, which are freely produced in huge clusters. The flowers are carmine-pink with off-white centres and yellow stamens. Red hips after flowering. Very impressive rambler!



The small, double flowers bloom in large clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Spreading and bushy growth. Very disease resistant and rain-proof. Lovely, healthy, abundant- and continously flowering ground cover rose. Suitable for multiple purposes and tolerates semi-shade conditions.


Amour de Molene

The very large, very double, nostalgically-shaped flowers in a salmon-pink colour, spread a strong, classic rose fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth. Large, shiny, dark-green foliage. Lovely, strong scented Hybrid Tea. Abundantly flowering in flushes throughout the season.



The medium-sized, loosely-filled flowers are old-fashioned pink with a soft pink haze and grow in sprays. The growth is broad, bushy, rising and healthy. A low-rising shrub rose, that flowers richly and perpetually; hardy!


Apple Blossom

The small, single, soft pink flowers with yellow stamens, bloom in large clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Vigorous growth, with arching branches, hardy. Suitable for semi-shade locations. Lovely rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Astrid Lindgren

Clusters of medium-sized, cupped-shaped, loosely double, slightly scented flowers of bright pink. Vigorous, upright, bushy growth, with remarkable healthy and glossy foliage. Continuously blooming in great abundance.



Clusters of medium-sized, double flowers of bright salmon-pink colouring. Low, compact, bushy and spreading growth. Very healthy. Abundantly flowering from June tot October. Perfect for bedding.



Very beautiful Hybrid-Musk that continuously bears large, elegant trusses of small, single, slightly fragrant, bright pink flowers with a white centre. Hardy, healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Because of its partly arching, overhanging branches also suitable for ground cover.


Ballerina (Standard Rose 110-120cm)

Very beautiful Hybrid-Musk that continuously bears large, elegant trusses of small, single, slightly fragrant, bright pink flowers with a white centre. Hardy, healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Because of its partly arching, overhanging branches also suitable for ground cover.


Bantry Bay

Healthy strong grower, bearing small clusters of large, semi-double, cupped, sweetly scented blooms of pink, gently blending to an innocent white eye with golden stamens. The flowers are borne freely on strong healthy canes. Continuously flowering.


Bernadette Lafont

The large, very double, nostalgically-shaped, cup-shaped, dark-pink flowers, mostly born solitary, spread a very strong and fruity fragrance. Upright and compact growth, very healthy. Strikingly beautiful, strong scented Hybrid Tea, that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season.


Betty Prior

Large clusters of medium-sized, single, cup-shaped flowers of carmine-pink, brightening towards the white centre. Hardy bush with upright, bushy growth and healthy foliage. Very free- and continuously flowering, excellent for groups and beds.


Bees Paradise Pink

The small, semi-double, open flowers in clusters, are pink with yellow stamens. Compact and bushy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens.



Large, soft coral-pink, Hybrid-Tea-shaped, slightly fragrant flowers on firm stems, that mix well with the reddish-brown foliage. Upright, good branching growth. Very free- and continuously flowering. Excellent for bedding and cutting!


Blush Noisette

Medium-sized, loosely full, perfectly shaped flowers in large clusters, with a soft herbal fragrance. The graceful flowers open pink, turning soft pink to almost white when flowering. Powerful, healthy rose with a trustworthy growth and supple overhanging branches. Uniquely beautiful, old, abundantly flowering climbing rose, flowers to late Autumn. Also suitable as shrub rose.


Blush Rambler

The small to medium-sized, semi-double, cupped-shaped, light pink flowers age to cream-white, bloom in large clusters and spread a moderate fragrance. Vigorous and upright growth. Prolific blooming in spring or early summer. Beautiful, almost thornless rambler.


Bonica 82

Dainty, dense clusters of medium-sized, full, open-centred flowers of soft to bright pink colouring, which are borne in great abundance. Hardy and healthy bush with bushy and spreading growth. Excellent for beds and because of its growth habit also suitable as a ground-cover.


Bonica 82 (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Dainty, dense clusters of medium-sized, full, open-centred flowers of soft to bright pink colouring, which are borne in great abundance. Hardy and healthy bush with bushy and spreading growth. Excellent for beds and because of its growth habit also suitable as a ground-cover.


Borneo Odore

Large, very double, pink flowers with white reverse and exceptionally strong fragrance. Healthy, compact growth. Very beautiful and fragrant Hybrid Tea that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for bedding, cutting and potting.



Medium-sized, very double, cupped and rosette-shaped flowers in a varying salmon pink colour and a delicious myrrh-fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with dark green, glossy foliage. Excellent health and hardy. Delightful, very free and continuously flowering shrub.


Bouquet Parfait

Medium-sized, double, globular, white to light pink flowers in clusters with a lovely soft fragrance. Upright growth-habit. Healthy, abundant- and continuously flowering Shrub. Makes a wonderful cutrose; every single branche almost forms a ‘perfect bouquet’.



Small, single, pink flowers with white-yellow stamens and a sweet scent. Scarlet-red, oval hips in autumn. Bushy, upright, arching overhanging growth.


Centifolia Muscosa

The original and most beautiful 'Moss Rose'. Small groups of medium-sized, very double, often quartered, at first globular later on flat shaped, deep pink flowers with a delicious strong scent. Buds are heavily mossed. Hardy, robust, vigorous growth. Free, early and long flowering beauty.


Chapeau de Napoléon

One of the most charming of the old roses with flowers of exquisite beauty. Very sweetly scented, medium-sized, double, deeply cupped, clear pink blooms. The moss-like wings of the calyx can easily be mistaken for a Moss Rose, and resembles the cocked hat of Napoleon. Very healthy and trouble free shrub, excellent for borders, low hedging.



Small filled pink flowers with a yellow-white centre, in sprays. Light scent. Bushy growth; very healthy foliage. A miniature rose with nostalgic flowers, richly flowering, suitable for pots and gardens.


Clair Matin

Medium-sized, semi-double, cupped, salmon-pink to light-pink flowers in clusters with a sweet fragrance. Upright, well-branched growth, with dark-green foliage. Healthy. Lovely, abundantly flowering climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Can also be grown as a shrub.


Clair Renaissance

Very beautiful shrub, continuously flowering. The large, very double, cup-shaped flowers are soft pink covered with peach and have a strong fragrance. Vigorous, bushy and even growth with healthy, glossy foliage. Hardy and robust.


Climbing Bonica

Climbing sport of "Bonica 82®" with a healthy upright, loosely branching, hardy growth. The medium-sized, well-filled flowers are bright pink, have a sweet scent and grow in dense clusters. Beautiful small-flowered climber. Free- and continuously flowering.


Climbing Souvenir de la Malmaison

Climbing form of the beloved Bourbon shrub named after the famous rose gardens of Empress Josephine of France in Malmaison. One of the most beautiful Bourbons. Very large, shapely and fully double flowers of soft pink to silvery pink, with a delicious, overwhelming fragrance. At first the flowers are cup-shaped, later on flat and quartered. Generously blooming and repeat flowering.



Large, fully double, Hybrid Tea shaped, deliciously scented, salmon-pink flowers tinted with apricot-orange and mostly borne in clusters. Hardy, robust climber with healthy, strong, bushy and upright growth. Wonderful, climber with abundant blooming. Easy to grow, best for walls and fences.


Comte de Chambord

Surely one of the most charming and loveliest of the old roses with large, fully-double, warm pink flowers in luxuriant trusses and a delicious rich fragrance. At first flowers are cup-shaped, later on flat and quartered. Bushy, compact growth and grey-green foliage with slightly ragged edges. Its very repeat flowering and small stature make it ideal for a small garden.


Coral Dawn

Large-flowered, Hybrid-Tea shaped, coral pink climber with healthy, robust and good branching growth. Strong pleasing fragrance. The large, double, cupped flowers are borne in small clusters. Very freely and continuously blooming. Excellent for all purposes.



Sprays of small, many-petalled, rosette-shaped, sweetly fragrant, apricot-pink flowers fading by age. Very vigorous, spreading, healthy growth. Abundantly flowering from May to October. Perfect for hedging, ground cover and as a solitary shrub.



The very large, double, elegantly shaped flowers bloom mostly solitary and spread a lovely soft fragrance. Upright and bushy growth. Healthy foliage. Beautiful, continuously flowering garden rose. Wonderful for bedding and cutting.


Dagmar Hastrup

Large, single, open, cup-shaped flowers of pastel-pink with a slightly scent. Hardy, thorny shrub with upright, spreading and bushy growth. Lots of yellow-red hips in autumn. Ideal for large hedges.


Dainty Bess

A number of very beautiful, five-leaved flowers in a soft pink colour, with striking red brown stames and wavy petals. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Striking, abundantly and repeat flowering, softly scented old tea rose.



Medium-sized, very double, lively pink flowers in clusters, with a sweet, fruity taste of raspberries and a pleasent fruity fragrance. Bushy growth, healthy and continously flowering. Easy in maintenance, ideal for organic growing and in pots. Once harvested, flowers can remain fresh in refrigerated conditions up to 12 days. Enjoy your meal!


Dreaming 82

Very large, double, soft pink flowers, tending to white, with a delicious and strong fragrance. Healthy, bushy and compact growth. Free-flowering. Excellent for beds and cutting flowers.


Eden Rose 85

Although not an 'Austin-Rose' this is surely an 'English Rose'. Clusters of large, enormously double, cupped, strongly scented flowers which vary in colour from soft pink on the outside to deep pink in the centre. Hardy, vigorous and bushy, very beautiful, repeat-flowering shrub with the charm of the 'Old Moss Roses'. Can also be grown as a climber!


Eden Rose 85 (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Although not an 'Austin-Rose' this is surely an 'English Rose'. Clusters of large, enormously double, cupped, strongly scented flowers which vary in colour from soft pink on the outside to deep pink in the centre. Hardy, vigorous and bushy, very beautiful, repeat-flowering shrub with the charm of the 'Old Moss Roses'. Can also be grown as a climber!



Large, very double, rosette-shaped, very fragrant, violet flowers with orange-copper centre. Vigorous growth. Charming and wonderful, striking coloured "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.



Huge clusters with numerous, small, fully double, pompon-shaped, pink flowers that open reddish pink and are slightly fragrant. Hardy shrub with vigorous, upright and spreading growth. Very free and continuous flowering modern shrub. Ideal for hedges.


Emily Brontë

Large, very double, cupped-to-flat, rosette-shaped flowers in a soft pink colour with apricot centre, later fading to cream. Strong tea fragrance. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Wonderful, healthy English Shrub, that blooms opulent in flushes throughout the season.


Eustacia Vye

The medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped, ruffled, apricot-pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a delicious, strong, fruity fragrance. Bushy, upright growth; healthy. Lovely, abundantly flowering shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shade locations.


Ferdinand Pichard

Generally regarded as one of the very best striped roses, carrying dense clusters of medium-sized, loosely-double, cupped flowers striped pink, white and crimson. This vigorous shrub repeats its flowering well and the blooms are richly fragrant.



Medium-sized, single flowers in a striking, light salmon-pink colour with white centre and yellow stamens. Very weather-resistant. Extremely healthy foliage. Ideal for planting in beds, borders and large, open spaces. Abundantly flowering in flushes throughout the season.


François Juranville

The medium-sized, double, flat, quartered, coral-pink flowers, bloom in large clusters and spread a fresh, fruity fragrance. Very vigorous growth. Large rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer. Suitable for semi-shade locations and for pergolas, trees, etc.


Francis E. Lester

The small, single, blush pink flowers with white centre, bloom in large clusters. Strong, clove fragrance. Tall, upright and vigorous growth. Very disease resistant and hardy. Prolific blooming in spring or early summer. Very lovely rambler that produces decorative hips in autumn.


Gabriel Oak

The large, very double, rosette-shaped, deep pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely, strong and fruity fragrance. Vigorous, spreading and round growth. Very beautiful, English shrub, that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season.



Mid-sized, single, cup-shaped, dark-pink flowers with a slight scent. Bushy, compact growth, almost thornless. Brownish-red hips after blooming. Hardy shrub that requires a sunny location and doesn't grown on sandy soils.


Gallica Complicata

The large, single, flat flowers are deep pink and spread a strong fragrance. Bushy growth, almost thornless. Hips after flowering. Lovely, old Gallica-rose, abundantly flowering in spring or summer. Suitable for semi shady locations.


Garden of Roses

Spray rose with very compact growth and nostalgic, richly-filled rosette-shaped flowers in an attractive cream pastel pink colour. Richly and perpetually-flowering healthy bed and pot rose with a light scent.


Gentle Hermione

Large, very double, perfectly shaped, nostalgic, soft pink flowers in small clusters with a delicious strong fragrance. Rainproof. Bushy growth, beautiful healthy foliage. Wonderful, “English Rose” that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Gertrude Jekyll

Clusters of large, very double, rosette-shaped flowers of deep pink, with an overwhelming fragrance. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Very beautiful English shrub, that repeats its opulent flowering regularly. Also suitable as climber.


Gertrude Jekyll (Climbing Rose)

Clusters of large, very double, rosette-shaped flowers of deep pink, with an overwhelming fragrance. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Very beautiful English shrub, that repeats its opulent flowering regularly. Also suitable as a climber.



The large, very full, quartered flowers in a romantic pink colour grow in clusters throughout the summer and have a sweet fruity scent. Upright, well-branched growth, slow-climbing, lower part does not shed its foliage. Healthy foliage. Beautiful, continuously flowering, nostalgic blooming climbing rose!



Clusters of small, single, pink-red flowers with a white eye surrounding the creamy-yellow stamens. Plentiful, small, orange red hips in autumn. Vigorous, upright, almost thornless growth.


Happy Chappy

Large trusses of small, single flowers in a mixture of orange and pink with a yellow centre. Low, creeping and healthy growth. The happy-coloured flowers are continuously produced in large quantities.



The large, fully double, cup-shaped flowers have a white colour with rose-pink edges. Upright, climbing growth. Glossy, dark green foliage. Very attractive multicoloured climber, with continuous abundant flowering!



The small, half-filled flowers are crimson pink and bloom in large sprays. Arching, overhanging growth; extremely healthy. A late bloomer, but flowering richly and perpetually nonetheless.



One of the best Old Roses. Very beautiful shaped, large, double flowers with a strong fragrance. Long, opulent flowering in early-summer, tolertes semi-shaded conditions.


Jacques Cartier

Large, fully double, quartered, soft pink flowers in small clusters with a very strong and delicious fragrance. Bushy, compact growth, robust, hardy and healthy. Repeat-flowering. Exceptionally beautiful old shrub.


James Galway

Medium-sized, very double, cupped-shaped, light pink flowers in small clusters with a soft fragrance. Vigorous and upright growth. Striking beautiful English climber, that flowers in flushes throughout the season. Can also be grown as a shrub.


James Galway (Climbing rose)

Medium-sized, very double, cupped-shaped, light pink flowers in small clusters with a soft fragrance. Vigorous and upright growth. Striking beautiful English climber, that flowers in flushes throughout the season. Can also be grown as a shrub.


James L. Austin

Medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped, deep pink flowers with a button-eye. Fruity fragrance. Bushy and upright growth. Rain tolerant. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



The medium-sized ball-shaped flowers are violet-red with a delightful scent. Bushy, well-branching growth. A remarkable, fragrant, climbing rose that flowers very richly and perpetually!


Kaffe Fassett Rose

Large, very double flowers with excellent lemon fragrance, in a remarkable purple-violet colour. Bushy growth, healthy. Striking floribunda that flowers abundantly in flushes throughout the season. Perfect for growing in container, for bedding and cutting.



Loose trusses on thin stems with double, medium-sized, soft pink flowers with creamy-yellow stamens and an overwhelming strong fragrance. Upright growth. This rose is used for the production of attar of roses in Kazanlik (Bulgaria) and has 30 petals, which explains the name "Trigintipetala".


Kölner Flora

The large, fully double, ball-shaped, nostalgic flowers are bright pink with a hint of apricot. Very strong fragrance. Arching, overhanging growth; very healthy foliage. A beautiful, very strong perfumed and continuously flowering shrub rose!


Queen of Denmark

Shapely, medium-sized, very double, quartered, silvery pink flowers, deeper pink towards the centre, with a green eye. Very strong fragrance. Bushy, upright shrub with elegantly overhanging branches. Trouble free. Marvellous old shrub, flowering on last year's stems.


Kiss me Kate

The medium-sized, very double, nostalgically shaped, quartered, pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a very strong, sweet fragrance. Upright, healthy growth. Wonderful, abundantly flowering, fragrant climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



Clusters of small, fully double, strong pink flowers. Good branching, low creeping growth with very glossy foliage. Robust, very free- and continuously flowering, ideal for pots, tubs and small gardens.



The large, extremely well-filled nostalgic flowers are a powerful pink and have a strong scent. The growth is upward and bushy. Very healthy, dark green foliage. A beautiful, healthy climbing rose, that flowers perpetually!



Small, extremely well-filled pink flowers with nostalgic flower shape in small sprays. Very healthy. Beautiful spray rose that flowers richly and perpetually; ideal for bedding, also suitable as creeper.


Leonardo da Vinci

A floribunda in style of the "English Roses". Medium-sized, full, sweetly scented flowers shaped like a quartered rosette, coloured in a constant and unfading dark pink. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.


Leonardo da Vinci (Standard Rose 110-120cm)

A floribunda in style of the "English Roses". Medium-sized, full, sweetly scented flowers shaped like a quartered rosette, coloured in a constant and unfading dark pink. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.


Leonardo da Vinci (Standard Rose 50-60cm)

A floribunda in style of the "English Roses". Medium-sized, full, sweetly scented flowers shaped like a quartered rosette, coloured in a constant and unfading dark pink. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.


Leonardo da Vinci (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

A floribunda in style of the "English Roses". Medium-sized, full, sweetly scented flowers shaped like a quartered rosette, coloured in a constant and unfading dark pink. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.



Small, single, slightly scented, intensive pink flowers with a white centre and yellow stamens, borne in large clusters. Bushy, luxuriant growth with flexible branches. Healthy and hardy. Very free-flowering Climber or Rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Use for pergolas, trellis etc.


Line Renaud

Large, double, well-formed flowers in a reddish pink, with a very strong fragrance. Vigorous growth, dark glossy, very healthy foliage. Free and continuously flowering Hybrid Tea, good for bedding and cutting!


Louise Odier

One of the best and most beautiful of the Bourbons. Its medium-sized, fully double, exquisitely perfumed flowers are at first cup-shaped, later on flat, globular and quartered. The warm-pink flowers have a hint of lilac and are generously, almost continuously produced in clusters. Strong, healthy and bushy growth. Also suitable for cutting!


Madame Boll

Surely one of the most charming and loveliest of the old roses with large, fully-double, warm pink flowers in luxuriant trusses and a delicious rich fragrance. At first flowers are cup-shaped, later on flat and quartered. Bushy, compact growth and grey-green foliage with slightly ragged edges. Repeated flowering and the small stature makes it ideal for a small garden.


Madame Grégoire Staechelin

The large, semi-double, ruffled, soft pink flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a delicious, sweet scent. Decorative hips. Vigorous growth, healthy. Lovely, old climber. Abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Madame Isaac Pereire

Widely held to be the most fragrant of all roses with huge, cupped, fully double, quartered, deep purplish-cerise flowers, that repeat flowering well. Vigorous growth. Magnificent climber, also suitable as shrub.


Maestro Babylon Eyes

Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking pink flowers with a red “eye”. Compact growth; robust foliage. Healthy. Early and continuous flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Maiden's Blush

Clusters of loosely double, rosette-shaped flowers of soft pink to creamy white, with a delicious strong scent. Showy, robust shrub with arching, overhanging branches and grey-green foliage. Abundantly flowering in June.


Marguerite Hilling

Medium to large, semi-double flowers in clusters, dark-pink with bright centre . Vigorous, spreading and bushy growth. Hardy and healthy shrub. Beautiful, easy shrub, early and abundantly flowering, continuously blooming, but in ever smaller quantities.


Maria Lisa

Small, single, bright reddish pink flowers with a white centre, in large clusters and a soft fragrance. Vigorous, climbing growth, almost thornless; hardy. Beautiful, abundantly flowering rambler, ideal for pergolas, fences etc.



Medium-sized, cupped, quartered, fully double soft pink flowers in clusters, with a nostalgic bloom form and a moderate fragrance. The dark green, glossy foliage contrasts beautifully with the flowers. Robust, very bushy, arching growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Marvellous for bedding and cutting.


Meine Rose

The large, very double, nostalgically-shaped, elegant, cream-pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely fragrance. Upright, bushy growth. Very disease resistant. Wonderful, abundantly flowering Hybrid tea, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for garden and cutting.



Medium-sized, loosely filled, mildly fragrant, bright pink flowers in clusters. Bushy, healthy growth habit. A very beautiful, very richly and continuously flowering garden and bed rose.


Mini Eden Rose

Small to medium-sized, very double, shining pink flowers with a soft fragrance. Upright, slowly climbing growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Dark green foliage. Sport of the famous "Eden Rose" but with smaller flowers. Ideal for small gardens and containers.



Large groups of medium-sized, loosely double, neat, flowers of bright pink colouring. Slender, arched, overhanging growth. Flowering abundantly from June to the first frost in autumn



Very beautiful Hybrid-Musk that continuously bears large, elegant trusses of small, single, slightly fragrant, carmine pink flowers with large white centre. Hardy, healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Because of its partly arching, overhanging branches also suitable for ground cover.


Mrs John Laing

This rose is regarded as one of the very best Hybrid-Perpetuals. The very large, showy, double, cupped flowers of silvery pink with a hint of purple are wonderfully well scented. Vigorous, bushy, upright and healthy growth. Highly recommendable, beautiful rose that repeats its abundant flowering well.



Medium-sized, single flowers with only 5 petals. The flowers colour from copper-yellow to pink and are slightly fragrant. Bushy, upright growth with flexible, thorny branches. Striking China-Shrub that flowers in flushes throughout the season.



Medium-sized, semi-double, carmine pink flowers. Spreading, bushy growth with overhanging branches. Very healthy floribunda, can also be used as a ground cover.


New Dawn

Still one of the best modern perpetual-flowering climbers. The medium-sized, double, Hybrid Tea shaped, soft pink flowers are freely borne single or in clusters. Fresh fruity fragrance. Hardy, vigorous, spreading and arching growth. Perfectly suited for all purposes. Robust climber that tolerates semi-shadow and is suitable for climbing against north-facing walls.


New Dawn (Standard Rose 110-120cm)

Still one of the best modern perpetual-flowering climbers. The medium-sized, double, Hybrid Tea shaped, soft pink flowers are freely borne single or in clusters. Fresh fruity fragrance. Hardy, vigorous, spreading and arching growth. Perfectly suited for all purposes. Robust climber that tolerates semi-shadow and is suitable for climbing against north-facing walls.



Medium-sized, fully double, pink flowers with a yellow reverse and a mild scent. Healthy, compact growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful rose ideal for bedding, cutting and potting.


Olivia Rose Austin

Medium-sized to large, very double, rosette shaped, soft pink flowers in small clusters, with a pleasant fruity fragrance. Vigorous growth, remarkably healthy. Beautiful, free-flowering English Shrub that repeats flowering in flushes throughout the season.


Olivia Rose Austin (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Medium-sized to large, very double, rosette shaped, soft pink flowers in small clusters, with a pleasant fruity fragrance. Vigorous growth, remarkably healthy. Beautiful, free-flowering English Shrub that repeats flowering in flushes throughout the season.



The striking, large, very double, lilac-coloured flowers are strongly and sweetly fragrant. Vigorous, upright growth habit. Healthy foliage. Stunning climber that can also be used as a shrub, solitary or in small groups. Flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Palmengarten Frankfurt

Medium-sized, double, cupped flowers in a strong pink colour, flowering in clusters at the tips of the stems. Very robust shrub with abundant growth, partly upright, partly with arching, overhanging branches. Fresh green, glossy foliage. Flowering with in enormous freedom from May to autumn.


Parfum de Grasse

The large, well-filled flowers are dark pink, orange-yellow on the outside and very fragrant. Powerful growth, weather-resistant and healthy. A very beautiful, perpetually-flowering garden, bed and cut rose!



Beautiful, very large, double, pink flowers with a hint of lilac and an exceptional strong fragrance. Hardy bush with vigorous upright growth. Continuously flowering Hybrid Tea with a wonderful fragrance. Excellent for bedding and cutting.


Paul Noël

Strongly fragrant, medium to large, double, salmon-pink flowers in small clusters. Vigorous growth. Abundant flowering in June with weaker repeat later in the season. Suited to grow over pergolas, trees etc. A beautiful, abundant flowering climber.


Paul's Himalayan Musk

Huge sprays of pretty, small, loosely double, rosette-shaped, lilac-pink to blush pink flowers. Sweetly scented. Very strong, thorny and creeping growth. Hips after blooming, Very abundantly flowering, ideal for growing into trees, etc.


Peach Melba

The medium-sized, very double, cup-shaped, apricot-pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Bushy and upright growth. Very disease resistant foliage and reliable winter hardiness. Lovely, healthy climber that blooms richly in flushes throughout the season.



Medium-sized, semi-double, light pink flowers in small clusters, with a mild spicy fragrance and sweet and sour pear-taste. Bushy growth, healthy and continously flowering. Can be used for organic growing. Once harvested, flowers can remain fresh in refrigerated conditions up to 8 or 10 days. Enjoy your meal!


Penny Lane

The beautifully shaped and well-formed, double, soft-pink almost pearl-white flowers are delicately tinged with apricot towards the centre and abundantly borne single or in clusters. Healthy and vigorous growth. Delicious scent. In the UK crowned as "Rose of the year 1998".


Perennial Blue

The small, semi-double flowers are lilac pink to violet, have a good scent and bloom in clusters. Vigorous growth; healthy and hardy. Repeats flowering well provided that spent flowers are pruned back. Very suitable for rose arches, pergola's etc.


Phyllis Bide

Elegant, little rambler bearing huge clusters of small, double, yellow-centred, pink flowers held on short branches, with a pleasing fragrance. Vigorous, good branching growth with lax, flexible stems. Repeats its opulent flowering throughout summer, well in to autumn.


Pink Cloud

Beautiful, Hybrid Tea climber with trusses of large, cupped, double, dark pink flowers with a delicious fragrance. Vigorous, spreading and branching growth. Continuously flowering, blooming freely with the charm of the "Old and English Roses".


Pink Grootendorst

Upright, dense and very healthy shrub that repeatedly produces clusters of small, double, fringed, pure pink blooms, that last well. Ideal for low hedging and in borders.



The pompom-shaped, small, well-filled flowers are deep pink, slightly fragrant and grow in sprays. Upright, bushy growth. Abundantly flowering Fairy-Tale-Rose in the style of old roses, with very healthy foliage.


Prince Jardinier

Large, double, well-formed flowers in a soft pink-salmon colour, very strong, delicious fragrance. The very healthy dark green foliage, matches beautifully with the bright coloured flowers. Vigorous, robust growth. Wonderful, free- and continuously flowering, very healthy Hybrid Tea, ideal for beds and cutting.


Princess Alexandra of Kent

Very large, very double, cupped, bright pink flowers, with a strong lemon scent, in small clusters. Bushy growth, well rounded shrub, very healthy and hardy. Prolific blooming in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful shrub.


Princess of Monaco

Elegant and classic Hybrid Tea. Very large, fully double, creamy-white flowers with pink edges. Very strong and delicious fragrance. Upright, bushy growth. Continuously flowering until late autumn. Wonderful rose for garden and for cutting!


Queen Elizabeth

Large, loosely double flowers of silvery-pink changing to soft pure-pink, held single or in clusters on long upright stems. Healthy growth. Very free and continuously flowering. Perfect for beds and cutting.


Queen Elizabeth (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Large, loosely double flowers of silvery-pink changing to soft pure-pink, held single or in clusters on long upright stems. Healthy growth. Very free and continuously flowering. Perfect for beds and cutting.


Queen of Sweden

Large, very double, cupped flowers, soft pink with apricot highlights, in small clusters, with a mild, myrrh fragrance. Bushy and elegant upright growth. Healthy foliage. Wonderful, “English Rose” that flowers in flushes throughout the season.



Beautiful, small, double, globular, clear pink flowers, mostly borne in clusters. Sweetly scented. Vigorous, dense, bushy growth with long arching branches. A unique, very free-flowering climber, that also can be used as sprawling shrub or for ground cover.


Reine des Violettes

The large, very double, cupped and quartered flowers, have a violet-blue colour and spread a lovely, strong fragrance. Vigorous, wide and arching growth. Almost thornless. Abundantly flowering Old Shrub Rose, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shady locations.


Reine Victoria

Beautiful, elegant Bourbon with generous groups of globular, cupped, medium-sized, double flowers. The richly and sweetly scented, lilac-pink blooms repeat well and are perfectly held above the foliage.


Renée van Wegberg

Medium-sized, very double, lively pink flowers in clusters, with a sweet, fruity taste of raspberries and a pleasent fruity fragrance. Bushy growth, healthy and continously flowering. Easy in maintenance, ideal for organic growing and in pots. Once harvested, flowers can remain fresh in refrigerated conditions up to 12 days. Enjoy your meal!


Romantic Siluetta

Small, very double, pastel-pink flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shady conditions.


Rosarium Uetersen

Wonderful, early-flowering climber that continuously produces trusses of very large, fully double, slightly fragrant flowers in a shining pink colour. Growth is very vigorous, hardy, dense and bushy. Can also be grown as shrub.


Rosy Cushion

The small tot medium-sized, single to semi-double, soft pink flowers with white centre, bloom in large clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Spreading, bushy growth and very healthy. Lovely shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Can also be used as a ground cover.



Small, single, clear pink flowers with golden-yellow stamens, followed by orange-red hips. Vigorous, upright and thorny growth with arching, overhanging branches. Ideal for hedging. Remarkable foliage with apple scent.



An improved “The Fairy”! Dense clusters of medium-sized, double, soft-pink flowers. Hardy, robust shrub with compact, spreading and bushy growth and very glossy, prominent green foliage. Free- and constantly blooming!


Scepter d'Isle

The medium-sized, double, cup-shaped, light pink flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a strong, myrrh fragrance. Upright growth, healthy foliage. Lovely, elegant English shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


SEE YOU in Pink

Medium-sized, single, hibiscus-like, striking pink flowers with a darker pink “eye”. Upright, bushy growth, robust foliage, healthy, rain-resistant and hardy. Bee-friendly. Continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Sophie Luise

Large, very double, quartered flowers in a magenta-pink colour, with nostalgic flower-shape and very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with healthy, dark green foliage. Charming and wonderful "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.


Souvenir de Baden-Baden

The large, very full, cream-pink flowers with ruffled petals give this very intensively fragrant rose a particularly romantic feel. Upright and bushy growth, with long stems; very healthy for a hybrid tea. Excellent, continuous flowering, highly fragrant garden, bedding and cut rose!


Souvenir de la Malmaison

Beloved Bourbon shrub named after the famous rose gardens of Empress Josephine of France in Malmaison. One of the most beautiful Bourbons. Very large, shapely, fully double flowers of soft pink to silvery pink, with a delicious, overwhelming fragrance. At first the flowers are cup-shaped, later on flat and quartered. Generously blooming and repeat flowering.


Stanwell Perpetual

The medium to large, fully double, quartered, flat, soft pink flowers in clusters with a wonderful scent. Dense, spreading growth with arching overhanging branches, full thorns. Abundantly, repeat flowering, romantic shrub, easy to maintain.


Strandperle Amrum

The medium-sized, single, open, pink flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a nice fragrance. Robust, dense and healthy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens. Very suitable for planting as low hedges.


Strandperle Norderney

The medium-sized, single, open, pink to purple flowers with purple stamens, bloom in small clusters and spread a nice fragrance. Robust, dense and healthy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens. Very suitable for planting as low hedges.


Super Dorothy

Large clusters of small, fully double, softly scented, bright pink flowers. Very vigorous, hardy growth, forming long shoots. Very disease resistent. Late, very abundant first blooming and repeat-flowering untill autumn. Can also be grown as a huge ground-cover.


Super Excelsa

Large clusters of small, fully double, softly scented, rosy-red flowers. Very vigorous, hardy growth, forming long shoots. Very disease resistent. Late, very abundant first blooming and repeat-flowering untill autumn. Can also be grown as a huge ground-cover.


Sweet Babylon Eyes

Single, hibiscus-like, striking soft pink flowers with a red “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Sweet Babylon Eyes (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Single, hibiscus-like, striking soft pink flowers with a red “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Sweet Pretty

Medium-sized, open, single flowers in a striking blush pink with yellow and red stamens, in small clusters. Bushy growth. Glossy, darkgreen foliage. Outstanding, healthy floribunda with continuous and abundant flowering.


Sweet Siluetta

Small, very double, soft pink ageing to white flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


The Albrighton Rambler

The small to medium-sized, cup-shaped, double flowers in a blush pink colour, bloom in large clusters with a light fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth. Extremely healthy. Exceptional rambler flowers abundantly in flushes throughout the season and can be used for pergolas and arches etc.


The Fairy

Reliable, very tough and disease-free. Large, dense sprays of small, fully double, rosette-shaped flowers of clear pink fading to soft-pink. A very useful miniature-shrub with low, spreading, partly overhanging, graceful growth. Late flowering but then, continuous, until late autumn.


The Fairy (Standard Rose 50-60cm)

Reliable, very tough and disease-free. Large, dense sprays of small, fully double, rosette-shaped flowers of clear pink fading to soft-pink. A very useful miniature-shrub with low, spreading, partly overhanging, graceful growth. Late flowering but then, continuous, until late autumn.


The Fairy (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Reliable, very tough and disease-free. Large, dense sprays of small, fully double, rosette-shaped flowers of clear pink fading to soft-pink. A very useful miniature-shrub with low, spreading, partly overhanging, graceful growth. Late flowering but then, continuous, until late autumn.


The Generous Gardener

Beautifully formed, large, double, soft-pink flowers, which nod gracefully, in small clusters. Delicious, strong Old Rose and myrrh fragrance. Bushy, well-branched, tall growth. Glossy, dark green foliage. Beautiful English Rose, that flowers in flushes throughout the season and can be grown as a climber as well as a shrub.


The Generous Gardener (Climbing Rose)

Beautifully formed, large, double, soft-pink flowers, which nod gracefully, in small clusters. Delicious, strong Old Rose and myrrh fragrance. Bushy, well-branched, tall growth. Glossy, dark green foliage. Beautiful English Rose, that flowers in flushes throughout the season and can be grown as a climber as well as a shrub.


Theo Clevers

Medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped, pink flowers in large, dense clusters, with a soft taste and fragrance of strawberries. Bushy growth, healthy and continuously flowering. Easy in maintenance, ideal for organic growing and in pots. Once harvested, flowers can remain fresh in refrigerated conditions up to 12 days. Enjoy your meal!



Medium-sized, fully double flowers in a creamy-white to pink colour with and a mild scent. Healthy, compact growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful rose, ideal for bedding, cutting and potting.


Trendy Babylon Eyes

Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking violet flowers with a purple “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Trendy Babylon Eyes (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking violet flowers with a purple “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Ulrich Brunner fils

Large, densely-petalled and cupped cherry-red flowers with the delicious fragrance of apple and vanilla. Strong, upright growth with long canes. Wonderful shrub, that repeats its rich flowering well.



Remarkable, large, semi-double, deliciously scented, soft-pink flowers irregularly striped with purple and with prominent yellow stamens. Healthy, good branching growth, almost thornless. Abundantly flowering with stems bending due to the sheer mass of flowers. A very showy and attractive shrub, ideal for low hedging.



Clusters of small, semi-double, purple-violet-blue flowers with visible yellow stamens. Lovely, mild fragrance. Vigorous growth. Wonderful Rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.



The medium-sized, very double, nostalgically-shaped flowers are pink at the top, at their bottom, the petals are silver-white. The combination of the flowers and the dark green, shiny and very healthy foliage create a romantic play of colours. Bushy, dense, upright growth habit. Beautiful, abundant flowering shrub rose that will blossom from June until the first frost appears. Suitable for planting soltairy or in small groups!



Large, very double, rosette-shaped flowers in a blush-pink colour with a hint of apricot and a soft fragrance. Arching, bushy growth, well branched. Lovely English shrub that blooms prolifically in flushes throughout the season.



Small to medium-sized, very double, cupped, pink flowers with a lighter reverse and a soft fragrance. Upright, bushy growth. Lovely, abundantly flowering floribunda that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for cutting.


Young Lycidas

Large, very double, cupped flowers in small clusters with a mixture of deep pink, magenta and red. Delicious, very strong fragrance. Bushy, arching growth. Attractive English shrub, that flowers prolificly in flushes throughout the season. Can be used for borders, pots and for cutting.


Zéphirine Drouhin

One of the best and reliable climbers. Large groups of medium-sized, loosely double, strongly fragrant, deep rose-pink flowers, which are produced abundantly generous and with exceptional continuity. Vigorous growth, thornless. It can be grown on a north wall, or as a shrub or for hedges.
