Our Roses |
Nostalgic Hybrid Tea Roses
In recent years “English and Nostalgic Roses” are gaining popularity and new and better varieties are introduced. We have made a collection of these new romantic roses that strike with their nostalgic flower shape, lovely colours, fabulous fragrance, good health and abundant flowering. “Nostalgic Hybrid Tea Roses” are used in beds, in groups of three, as solitary bush or in pots. Planting distance is ca. 40-50 cm or 5-7 roses per m², depending on use and variety.
Large, fully double, nostalgically, quartered flowers in a velvety, ruby-red colour. Very strong, sweet fragrance. Bushy and vigorous growth. Healthy. Beautiful fragrant garden rose. Wonderful for cutting, blooms in flushes throughout the season.
infoPerfect Harmony
The flowers are very large, double, with a strong scent and nostalgic flower shape, in a lively interplay of colours, between red and peach-yellow. Virorous growth; healthy. Very beautiful, fragrant, continuously flowering, classic Hybrid Tea, wonderful for gardening, cutting and pots.
infoAugusta Luise
Remarkable, very large, double flowers of champagne-peach colouring, with nostalgic flower-shape and very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with healthy, dark green foliage. Charming and wonderful "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.
Large, double, full flowers with a nostalgic flower-shape, in a wonderful golden yellow. Very strong tea rose scent. Vigorous growth. Free and continuously flowering Hybrid Tea, excellent for bedding and cutting.
Large, very double, nostalgically-shaped flowers in a warm, stable, apricot-orange colour. Intense honey fragrance. Vigorous growth with glossy, dark green foliage. Very beautiful, romantic, free- and continuously flowering, strong scented Hybrid Tea, wonderful in garden, excellent for bedding and cutting!
Large, very full, cupped, nostalgic shaped, dark orange flowers with a strong fragrance. Vigorous, hardy growth. Beautiful, early, free- and continuously flowering. Ideal for gardening and cutting.
Large, very double, rosette-shaped, very fragrant, violet flowers with orange-copper centre. Vigorous growth. Charming and wonderful, striking coloured "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.
Large, fully double, globular, slightly fragrant flowers of creamy-white and cherry. Vigorous, bushy Hybrid Tea with luxuriant, dark green, glossy foliage. Beautiful rose with the charm of the nostalgic roses, magnificent for bedding and cutting.
infoSophie Luise
Large, very double, quartered flowers in a magenta-pink colour, with nostalgic flower-shape and very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with healthy, dark green foliage. Charming and wonderful "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.