Our Roses |
Rigo®Roses for Ground Cover
Rigo-Roses®, the "Super Roses" by W. Kordes' Söhne, are the new standard for healthy, robust and abundant flowering roses. The fact that all “Rigo-Roses” successfully passed the hardest test for roses in the world, the ADR-examination, proofs that Kordes succeeded in his aim. Rigo-Roses are and will be the new standard for healthy, robust and abundant flowering roses.
The small, double flowers bloom in large clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Spreading and bushy growth. Very disease resistant and rain-proof. Lovely, healthy, abundant- and continously flowering ground cover rose. Suitable for multiple purposes and tolerates semi-shade conditions.
Medium-sized, semi-double, red with cream-white flowers in lush clusters with a soft fragrance. Spreading, bushy growth, very healthy shrub. Heat resistant. Wonderful, healthy, insect-friendly ground cover that blooms richly in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for covering large spaces.
Clusters of medium-sized, semi-double, pure white flowers with bright yellow stamens. Robust, very glossy, dark green, luxuriant foliage. Compact, bushy shrub with low, flat branches and extreme healthy foliage. Continuously flowering. Rapidly covering open spaces.
Trusses of small, fully double, raspberry-red flowers, unaffected by rain and holding their colour well. Very glossy, very healthy, dark green foliage, contrasting beautifully with the raspberry red flowers. Robust and healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Very easy to grow, free- and continuously flowering.